Comments on: I’m a United fan and I’m not a Plastic! Football Literature Sun, 06 Mar 2016 00:09:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: alddsouza Fri, 23 May 2014 14:18:00 +0000 In reply to Qhorin Half Hands.

Oddly enough, the author is a Chelsea ‘supporter’. The club with the MOST plastic ‘supporters’. Never heard of a Chelsea fan before Roman bought the club. What was Chelsea before the oil/gas money?

By: Qhorin Half Hands Tue, 08 Apr 2014 14:08:00 +0000 In reply to SecularMantiss.

Agreed. The point he is making is ridiculous. What makes the author a ‘good’ fan other then the self acclaimed throne he is on?
Does this mean everyone is a plastic fan when they begin watching?
What exactly is a ‘level headed fan?’ The ones who know all about history from wikipedia?
Poor stand imo.

By: SecularMantiss Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:12:00 +0000 This is an extremely elitist stand to take on an issue that isn’t really an issue, what exactly are you trying to prove here? that you aren’t a plastic? Added to the fact that your sense of humour doesn’t hummour me. In fact, one of your first sentences contradicts your entire article. “Everyone is a plastic fan..blahblahblah.” Not knowing Gianfranco Zola makes you as much of a plastic as claiming that Pele is the best ever player. Maybe these people just haven’t been around at that time to witness these players in their prime and/or they themselves have just started watching football. You call yourself a level headed fan, which level headed person, let alone fan, laughs at and mocks people who are new to the grand scheme of things that’s called football? So yes, it would be much appreciated by the general football watching community if you could please step down from that pedestal that you’ve so pretentiously placed yourself upon.
